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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/12/2014
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting June 12, 2014
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Frank Harrison, Marianne Hromis, Robert Mann

Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm.  

Review of Minutes:  May 8, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed, and approved unanimously.

Mail Review:  Received 2 subsurface permit notifications and one Shoreland Protection application from the Department of Environmental Services.  Received additional attorney correspondence from the Estate of Shirley Waters including accounting of attorney fees.  No action needed on these items.  

Goals and projects:

1.      Public Outreach.  The Plan NH Charrette is tentatively scheduled for October 17-18, 2014.   Zack and Dawn both agreed to remain involved with the charrette steering and encouraged others to participate in October.

2.      Land Conservation.  Recent activity on efforts regarding conservation easements and land purchase were discussed.   No action taken.   

3.      Spaulding Town Forest.  Based on deed information and his field measurements, Blaze confirmed that the southerly boundary monuments along Hutchinson Road are unreliable.  Blaze will check on town purchasing policy and obtain estimates for survey work to re-set these boundary monuments to help plan for future access.  Other possible expenditures for establishing boundaries and relocating the snowmobile trail were discussed.  Costs may be included in a 2015 warrant article to use Forest Maintenance funds.  A site visit was planned for June 24 to locate possible trail route based on the Forest Management Plan.   We will meet at the Grange at 4:30 pm.

4.      Carpenter Park.  Parks and Recreation Committee has discussed invasive plant control, specifically Japanese Barberry growth at the park.  Zack will research cost for a commercial herbicide applicator to come in to do this work as the growth is way beyond our ability to control it mechanically.   Unauthorized trail clearing is continuing to the south of Bear Hill Rd.

5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.  Field visits have confirmed that connection of trail systems on all sides of Meadow Pond (Marsh Pond) will need significant water crossings and are not immediate priorities to be pursued by CCC.   Moving the slash piles resulting from the winter timber harvest will likely be scheduled for the fall.      

6.      Easement Stewardship.  Blaze will be completing the MSCA stewardship monitoring in the near future.

7.      Other Business.   It was decided that  'Other Town Lands' will be an agenda item at future meetings.

Meeting Adjourned 8:40 PM

Next meeting July 10, 2014.
